Why Switch to Holistic Food and Treats?

Written on 12/19/2023
Auntie M

Just like with people, everything you feed your dog has an impact on their overall wellness. If you eat junk food, you tend to feel yucky afterwards, or perhaps it causes an upset stomach. Some of us are so used to eating trash food, that we don't even notice we are UNWELL until we eat healthy and feel SO much better! 

This same principle can be applied towards dogs. If you feed your dog whole, nutritious, food and treats, they will be healthier as a whole! Their immune systems will be boosted, and aid them in fighting off illness and disease. Their organs will have less toxins to filter out, and therefore, their whole will become more efficient. 

I believe in preventative care, and changing your dog's diet for the better, can only aid in their overall health. Most of my customers boast reduce vet visits, energy boosts, coat & eye brightness improvement, and the disappearing of chronic digestive and allergy issues! And that's just from cutting out the junk, impressive right?


Did you know that the Veterinary Cancer Society estimates 1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer at some point, and almost 50% of dogs over age 10 will get cancer? 

Canine cancer is on the rise, and it's directly linked to the toxins that WE give to them every day. Super cringe, right?! But don't worry, we are here to change that. 

By becoming an educated consumer, you can save yourself, and your dog, the pain of going through a horrific cancer treatment or making the impossible decision to let them go earlier than you should've had to. Dog food and treat companies (yep, even those bougie ones) are going to prioritize profits over health, I don't care what they say. Just look at Blue Buffalo lying about their ingredients and getting caught for it! Finding a company you truly trust, and learning how to read an ingredient label is the key to avoiding cancers and other diseases.

Unfortunately after learning to read an ingredient label, you'll learn quickly how full of toxins every treat on the market are. Even your local bakery may be adding sugars, sweeteners and using unhealthy grains and preservatives. Not to mention artificial food colorings (which almost ALL do), which are banned in Europe. My goal is to help you become an educated consumer, and demand more for your furbaby, because they deserve the best! Plus...we need them to live forever!

Let's remember, I also believe your dog deserves proper spoiling!

I mean, we are all about being healthy, but healthy doesn't mean torture! Since I couldn't find any treats that I felt were good enough for my furbabies, I created my own! After all, dogs are more fun to spoil, aren't they?! (def more grateful!)

Check out my line of Auntie M approved treats, toppers, homemade food and DIY cooking products here!