⁉️Is garlic, toxic to dogs? ⁉️ The answer: no way! ‼️ So why is it on the “do not feed list“?
Auntie M 🚨Warning Wednesday🚨I know, I know…the pup cup…it is beloved by every dog, but what’s in it? A pup cup is 100% whipped cream… That is heavy cream and sugar. 🚫Cows milk is notoriously hard for dogs to digest and sugar is never recommended, because it feeds cancer! ☠️ And let’s remember that dogs don’t need any sweeteners to enjoy their food! They prefer savory things and only have 1/6 the tastebuds that humans have. Most of the time it’s not about what’s in the cup. It’s getting to share something exciting with you! So let’s talk about alternatives. 📋
Auntie M Is using the Balance It website safe?? Let’s talk about it! While it’s important to seek your veterinarian’s advice about a lot of things, diet may not be one of them… Why you ask? Well, let’s talk about it!🩺🐶🍽️
Auntie M